I guess it's been awhile since I've posted. I wish I had some new pictures to add. Maybe next weekend will be better weather and I can do that. My new job and position are great. 7am-4pm, Monday thru Friday has got to be everyone's dream hours!! Especially when management is very good about letting you work over a bit during the week and got it on Friday (within reason). This week I had 90 minutes to cut. The best thing about these hours is I won't have to ask off from work to get to trials!! How great is that!!? I've worked 3 weeks of my new hours and position and it has made a world of difference in my mind-set already!! Ben and I have worked on the house (remodeling) more in the last 2 weekends than we have in the last 6 months combined!! And now with the light change I have plenty of time to work dogs when I get home from work. Carol has been ill and/or busy with her real job the last couple weekends, so I haven't made it to her place yet, but hopefully this coming weekend I can enjoy a productive and relaxing Saturday at her place- or at Ella's. It took me 2 weeks to figure out how to get my work-out in and discovered the only way was to get up early. So everyday this past week I got up at 4am to have time. Wednesday I was tired (and sore), so I did some house work instead. Hopefully it won't take long for just about everything to fall into some kind of typical routine- something we haven't had since I started working last April. It was exhausting living everyday by the seat of your pants and never having much a routine.
The dogs are being patient, waiting for me to figure out how to get them worked on a regular basis- it's coming... I had planned to work everyone both days this weekend- but the weather did away with that plan. It's only in the 40s and a steady rain- since Thursday!! Yuck! However, should we get a nice warm up now the grass should just shoot right up!! I've worked them a little bit and they have all been very good given the amount of work they have gotten in the last 6 months! Toss in particular. What a nice working, mature, team-player he has become. Funny what age will do and how long it takes some dogs! I can see now that he will end up being my "step-up" dog when Cruzie can no longer. I never dreamed he would be that kind of dog. Of course I should have known, since Carol called him almost 2 years ago. She told me when he matures he will be my best dog- I can see that now. His biggest change is that his intensity is no longer running the show. Intense, yes he is still that, always will be, but he is allowing himself to think and therefore act correctly on his own so much more. The sheep aren't over-reacting to him because he's not over-reacting. He's staying off, and not leaning in on his flanks, and yet will walk right in when it's needed/asked. I finally feel like he is ready for the trial field and I'm so excited to get him out!!
The pups are doing fine. Clare and Ivy are just simply going around sheep and being asked to stop (stand or lie down, their choice) at balance and then walk up for a short fetch. Clare is very good about staying behind her sheep on a fetch. Ivy is getting the idea of staying behind rather than flanking around to their heads. I'm asking not either of them for much at all- we have lots of time.
I guess it's time to get to more painting....