Yesterday I was able to get a few videos of Gwen and one of Deal before it got too warm. All my ewes are bred, so I didn't want to get them too warm. They're in good shape, but it was certainly the warmest day in a very long time. The wind blew all day. I'm convinced we live in a wind tunnel. I'm sure living surrounded by fields on 3 sides is part of it, but this just seems to be a windy area. People will come from only 10 miles away and comment on how windy it is....
The videos of Gwen and Deal are on my youtube account. I video taped them myself, so for the most part they were doing silent gathers. Both girls are doing such a nice job and I so very much enjoy working and owning both of them. I'm so excited that I have offspring from both of them. Yesterday Ella was here and we played with Wren on my friend's lighter hair sheep. Ella did a great job with her, but just couldn't quite see how to help Wren follow thru when she picked a direction to start going around the 3 ewes. So we traded places and I was able to help Wren go around the sheep several times. What a nice pup, and not that looks are important, but man what a drop-dead gorgeous dog she is going to be! She went around sheep about like Cruz. She had enough eye that Ella had a bit of a time getting her to go all the way around, but not so much that it was hard for me. She has less eye than Gwen did at that age, which is nice. Gwen does fine with her eye, but she could do with 2 clicks less. If Wren is that perfect middle of the road like her sire, Ella will have a very easy pup to start. I haven't tried any of my pups on the lighter sheep yet- but I need to before they go. I'd like to see if all their motion will grab Ivy's interest, and I'd love to see how Clare and Sly do, as they were going around my heavy sheep, just couldn't really move them forward. Jim acts like something inside his head has clicked, as he's much more interested in the sheep on the other side of the fence when they're up by the gate when I'm feeding the sheep. (all my dogs are very good about not being up by the sheep if I'm not) All the pups are doing good. Jim is going to be much bigger than Ivy or Wren. I haven't seen Keele in several weeks, but I bet Jim is bigger than him too- he was the biggest at 8 weeks. I think Jim has maybe picked up some of the Del'Mar size and body build. He's a bigger boned, 'lopey' kind of mover, much like his Del'Mar Turk son sire, Dan. Jim seems to have a lot of Cruz too. He is my puppy. Meaning he pretty much adores me, and prefers me over almost anything. Even in the morning, after being crated over night he pesters me for attention before he even goes out to pee. And other than wrestling with his sister, he tends to pretty much be a loner. Cruz is the same way. He is 100% dog-friendly, but other than to occasionally flirt with a pretty bitch, he would not be the least bit disappointed if every other dog on the planet disappeared. I can see this in Jim already. It's not uncommon at all to see the other 3 pups playing together and Jim off doing his own thing- or hanging with me. To date I only see Gwen in Ivy. She is hard core, sweet temperamented with people, and generally friendly with dogs- unless they try to take what she thinks is hers- then she's a little bitchy. Just like Gwenie. Of course that doesn't fly around here, but it clearly a Gwen trait. Keele did a great job in the round pen last week I was told. Hopefully next week I will be able to go to NC one day to work dogs, visit, and see Keele. I'm still planning on going one day to the cattle trial in Gladys, VA in April. They're running 2 trials/day, so just going one day will get us a couple runs. My only other planned trial is Dixie Meadow in NC the weekend after the cattle trial. Again, I'll probably only be able to attend one day. I highly doubt I will do any summer trials.
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