Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Wet N Windy

Jim with his big smile says "HI MOM!" :-)) (this was almost a really good shot of him- but I still think it really captures his personality. Handsome boy Jim. He is the last puppy I will ever give a 5-7 way vaccination too. There is little question in my mind that what happened to him was caused by his vaccination. There are no diseases that have similar enough symptoms. I have found references to other people having the same thing happen to their vaccination-aged puppies. Heck, my oldest son was in ICU for 2 days after getting his 18 month old MMR shot. His body basically would not quit killing his blood cells. If you touched him, he bruised... Had he fallen in that state I'm sure he would have died. We were "lucky", because with blood transfusions he recovered. Some need heavy and repeated steroid treatment and some never recover. (ITP) I sure was scared to death when Dylan had to have his. Yup the school can make you. Unless it's your religion, you have no say- it's get the shots or don't send them to school.... Just like now every 6th grade girl has to have that HPV vaccination. Yes, has to in the state of Virginia. But I'm not going to go down that path tonight, it's too late and since I worked a 12 hour shift today, I'm ready for my bed. I got home and let the puppers out for their last pee break. The kids fed them for me at dinner time and put them up. This routine ensures that at 8-9pm everyone has just done what they need to- we all sleep better that way. Emma and Logan stayed out loose in the house when they can came back inside. They roamed for a brief while, then they each pulled up a section of rug and are *crashed*! Out all day/play all day makes for good babies at night! :-) Routines are good. I fussed at Emma earlier because she had my shoe. She quickly changed her mind and while walking around found one of her toys- smart pup she is looked at her toy, then threw a glance my way and I smiled. She smiled back and pranced off with her toy. LOL! I love bright pups. Some of them just "get it".

It's gonna be wet and windy the next 3-4 days.... A good 'ol Nor'easter. For us an hour or so inland, the Nor'easters usually get use worse than the Hurricanes. I don't think it will amount to a great deal where we're at- maybe some swollen rivers and over flowing ditches and whatever decides to come down/off/over in 30-40 mph wind (sustained). I'm glad Ben's Mom is here for a visit, that way the dogs can be let out a few times during the day, rather than me having to make an all-day choice of either out, or put up before I leave for work. Tomorrow I have to run Charlie into Newport News for his braces appt. I need to take Dylan along so we can maybe find a walk-in eye exam somewhere. Last week a student knocked his glasses off and stepped on them. Yup. Dylan says he didn't step on them on purpose, but he did knock them off on purpose. The one and only good thing is that he was a couple months from needing a new script and glasses. But it wasn't something I was planning on now. Not to mention he now has the ever so famous taped up glasses look! Ugh!! He too close to needing a new script for me to just order new frames, that would be foolish.
Off to bed I go!

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