Sunday, December 20, 2009

No Work All Play

Charlie and Deal
Some of ya get snow for Christmas....
....we get mud!

Did someone say mud? Gwen and Edge sporting the Border Collie's favorite accessory!

Smell that?
Happy Ivy!
Clare joins the mud club.
Kit thinks just a sprinkling of mud is the better look.
Clare disagrees.
So does Deal!
And Edge? Well he thinks those youngsters don't know what a good mudcake really looks like! Sure am glad Charlie's sheets were in the wash today! LOL! Thank goodness for smooths!
The sun poked out, so I had to take a couple more. I love how his eyes shine in the sun.
Pretty girl Hattie. She doesn't think girl Walkers should be covered in mud.
My Wicked Girl, Emma.
Sweet Boy Logan.
Toss Man!! :-)

Hi Gwen! :-)
She looks great for being 17 days post-pups! :-)
"Help, my sister is trying to eat me!!"
"See? She's doing it again!"
"Maybe she'll be afraid of my grizzly bear face!"
Spectator, Hattie. It was about 40, very very wet, but sunny so the trampoline was a smart place to watch all the Border Collie nonsense!

Kit and Gwen


Deal and Brock
Ivy (see her breath?)
Yee-ha Jimmy!! :-)
Happy Jim!

I laughed when I saw this picture!

When I edited this photo I couldn't figure out what was across his body. Then I figured out it was his breath! Kinda wild.
Jim, doing the canine version of a sliding stop and a rollback all in one motion!

Jim can haul some serious ass!




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