Rose is big into "covering" motion and goes non-stop. She has the most expessionate face and it just screams "wicked smart!" I think Rose is going to be a super fun girl to work and bond with, she has a delightful personality.
John is still handsome as ever and becoming more personable. I think once they start getting one on one work I'll see a whole new side to John, he finds me more and more often and is quite loving. He isn't a "big" personality like his sisters, but I can visualize him being a very, very faithful, business is business type of worker.
Henry is still my man. We have quite the bond already. Even looking at his photos pulls at my heart strings! Henry is having to spend the daytime alone lately, as he and John are suddenly not each other's biggest fans. I don't have any problems with either of them with the girls, but they have gotten into a few too many quite serious fights with each other and I don't care to have them get into it in a 10x20 pen while I'm away at work. It's mostly Henry being dominant, and when John from time to time stands his ground, it never ends well. I've never seen pups fight like they have from time to time and for what seems just out of the blue. They can be fine all day and then all of sudden something snaps and once they get into it Henry will not let John be. I can get them apart, only to have Henry follow John... I've never had this issue with raising littermates before. For some reason the 2 boys just don't much care for each other. Neither of their parents are at all dog nasty, so hopefully this is a puppyhood stage and simply making sure they aren't together unsupervised for a period of time will be all it takes. They both get along with the girls, and the girls are far from submissive to the boys, so I'm not exactly sure why there's the occassional tension between the 2 boys. In my experience it's always been the bitches that can sometimes be... well, bitches.
Henry is such a love bug and we really have a special bond already. My heart hasn't felt like this about a puppy in a long time! :-)
Nora is as full tilt as she is cute! She is a Gwen clone in personality. She's very, very smart and enjoys hanging close by. She has the most delightful little expressions. She's one of those that can speak to you with her eyes.
Henry and John
Wild Girl Rose and John
Pretty and sweet. Gracie is a special girl. Like her littermates, she's very bright and outgoing. She has Dylan wrapped right around her paw.
This is a blog about owning, raising, training, and trialing working Border Collies, our kids and family, work, and whatever else seems worthy of topic. Blackwater Border Collies is located in SE Virginia.
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