Today I'm going to play catch up. I need to catch up on sleep and the house. There are clothes all over and both the kitchen and bathroom need to be cleaned. Unfortunately I have to go into Franklin on my day off to pick up my check. They don't hand them out whenever, I think they have certain times and only on payday. I need to call personal this morning and find out. I worked a short shift last night to make up for coming home early Tues. night. I'm really, really tired. I got the kids off to school, (somehow our youngest missed the bus, so I had to drive him- luckily the elementary school is close) played a little ball with the dogs and fed them. Jordan will be here at 9:30. I'm going to sleep when she takes a nap. I need to call the store so I know if we're napping early, or this afternoon. I have to take our oldest to get his hair cut after school, but before baseball practice at 6:30. He needs one really bad and if I don't take him today it won't be until next week that I have time again... Run, run, run! I need mine cut too, but I don't know if we'll have time for 2 cuts. He isn't home until 4:20, so we can't be at the hair place until 4:45 and practice is at 6:30.... If they can do us both at the same time, we'll have time. And our youngest needs his glasses ordered. I get a discount at wal-mart, which is probably better than the 30% TriCare will cover at another eye place. My guess is that with the wal-mart price and the discount, it will be the same or less. Add in the convenience of getting them at work, and it's worth not using the TriCare this time. Our youngest was just to the eye Dr in Jan and had okay vision. Almost needing glasses, but didn't. Now, not even 4 months later he is quite nearsighted. The Dr. said it happens with growth and adolescence. He said he wouldn't be surprised if we're back again in 6 months. I know what kind of frames our youngest likes, but he doesn't trust my judgement, so I don't know when we'll get in to order them!! Tonight is already used up, Friday they play ball at 5:30 so there won't be enough time (unless the game is close to Franklin, which it may be), Saturday I'll be gone, and I'd almost bet the vision center is closed on Sunday, and even if they aren't the kids play ball at 2:45, and I work at 6:00. Our youngest has a big field trip with the Gifted class next Thursday, and I'd really like for him to have his glasses by then! (Yes, my day off will be a field trip to DC. We leave the school at 6AM and return around10PM, but I also have Weds. off, so it'll be alright) I'm sure his glasses will take some getting used to. I finally got new contacts after about 7 years (I have to wear gas perms.) and it took almost 2 weeks before I wasn't annoyed by the new correction... If the vision center is open until 6pm, he and I can maybe get there tonight after I get home with the other one from the hair place! They have baseball practice on opposite days, so Ben can take our oldest to practice and I'll take the other to the vision center. It'd be good if I could pick up my check then, but I suspect I will be making two trips to Franklin today!! And yes, the dogs have today off. They've been worked the last few days and Gwen and Cruz did a lot with the cows yesterday. I played with them this morning, and I'm sure I'll have time to play with them again this evening some time.
I found out last night that my schedule will always be the same. I like that much better, it was originally one of the 'perks' in my mind. For some reason what's on the board is different, but the main over-night super said it will always be 6-3 and Sun-Tues and Friday. So I'm happy about that.
It's going to be warm for the trial on Saturday. I'm nervous and excited. I'm nervous about next Saturday too. All the dogs are entered. MJ is running with Ella in Novice. Toss, Deal, and Gwen are running ProNovice, Cruz is running Ranch, and Gwen is running in Nursery. Carol said yesterday she thinks there are enough dogs to have the class.
Well, good! I just called work and I can get my check anytime and the vision center is open until 8:00. So I can do the glasses and check in one trip and not have to go this afternoon and eat up the day with travel time... Dylan and I can go when Ben and Charlie leave for work. I guess it's silly to keep saying "youngest" and "oldest". I also need to remember to get a bunch of crickets for the lizards from the hardware store tonight.
I need to place a mouse order at the feedstore. It's the time of year that Dylan can keep a dozen mice in the garage for the 2 snakes and the Red Tegu (he is like a Komodo Dragon). It's too cold in the winter to keep the mice in the garage and they are way too stinky to keep in the house! I think Dylan is ready to re-home his 2 big lizards, as they're a little hard to handle. The Tegu is huge. He could do damage if he wanted. When he eats he bites and then whacks the prey on something hard, or just swings it around. If he bit you, I'm sure he'd do the same. He's pretty docile, although the description is that they are testy. His Bearded Dragon is fast and doesn't like to be handled. He frequently takes his little fat tailed gecko out, and the snakes (2 ball pythons). I need to find the right place to re-home the 2 big lizards. The Red Tegu is rare I guess (we inherited him and the Beardie from Tony when he got divorced) Dylan has a lot to care for. He also has a Guinea Pig named Kyle, and he is pretty much in charge of the chickens. He and I need to get the chicken wire put up on the little paddock off the side of the barn where the chicken coop is. Pretty soon it'll be warm enough and they'll be feathered enough to go out. I need order my meat chicks. I need to get Ben make a rabbit hutch for me so I can get the meat rabbits. He made me a very nice one before and it was destroyed in a hurricane. Once I have the meat birds and the rabbits it's my hope that I can start to supplement the dogs' diets with chicken and rabbit, and also use the day old chicks and baby rabbits for the reptiles. It's my plan to also have duck and pig for us and the dogs, but I have to do things one step at a time. I'll have one of my lambs butchered, possibly. If they all have lambs this year. If they don't, I'll wait till next year. I really do want my dogs are a more natural diet, but I'm only going to do it if I can raise the critters myself. It's too hard and too expensive for me to buy it already processed. If I get the meat goats, they'll be eating that too.
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