Cruz and Gwen got one more session with cows today, before the trial on Saturday. Both did really, really well. We set the cows out on feed today so they would stay in the right place. We set them pretty far. Cruz did any impressive outrun, that happily surprised me. His outrun is the one place that my true beginner training her own dog for too long alone, can still show it's ugly head. He was very big and wide, but very appropriate. The cows mingled while he ran out, and where pretty spread out by the time he got there. He was on his own. I could tell he knew where I wanted them, so other than a few walk up whistles to remind him where I was, I pretty much let him do his job. When we finished, Carol said, "well if he can handle all that and still get them to your feet, he can certainly get them to you at the trial!" He had to really work hard, as they wanted to go in several directions. Or rather, each of them wanted to go a different direction, so it was a lot of work to get them grouped enough to bring them up the line. He did an awesome job. He never gets rattled or hurried. The only times he hustled and got up quick to their face was when I asked. And he's SO incredible about taking his "steady" whistle (basically an extra short 'stop' whistle) right in the midst of a hustle. He can be full tilt, wheeling around, just about to make contact and I can blow that whistle and dang if he doesn't instantly down shift 3 gears. So he's excellent at gaining the cows respect without making a mess. He's very much a gentleman first, but will not allow himself to be pushed either. He'd rather ask than insist, but has no problem insisting if needed. I was very proud of his work today.
Gwen had trouble on the first lift. We had it pretty darn long for a dog that's only been on cows 3 times. She got there fine, although I had to call her in from going to the sheep behind me when she first left my feet. It was simply a "Gwen, come in here, away". When she got up there one cow left right away and 2 stayed on the food. She struggled with this just a bit and kind of took it out on the one cow that left. As soon as I could see she was struggled I moved up the field and got about half way there and it started to click for her. I did a little more, then we took a 10 minute gab break. Carol's dog moved them out again and this time she was perfect. No trouble at all. She's going to be one hell of a cow dog. She takes her whistles so fast and she drives cows better than sheep. Carol assures me she'll do fine at the trial. I'm going to run Deal too. Since I'm only going Saturday, I can afford it. (I get paid tomorrow and got paid a partial payment for the board and train dog I have right now) I didn't take Deal today, because I needed to take our youngest to the eye Dr. and I wasn't quite sure I trusted 2 bitches in the cab of my truck. They'd most likely be fine, but strong bitches' can be funny like that. I'd trust 2 males before 2 bitches. I don't trust people, and would never put them in crates in the bed of the truck. When I go to trials I put the crates in the back so when I get there they have crates to be in. So I'm pretty excited about the trial. They aren't starting until 8:30-9 and it's only 2 hours, so that's awesome! We'll plan to leave at 5:45, so I might even be able to take a power nap before going. When you just go for the day, packing is pretty simple. I'm going to test Ben's car tonight to see if 3 dogs and 2 crates will fit, but I doubt it. Ella liked the idea of being able to bring Wren and one of my pups, so we may have to take her van. It's either her van or Ben's car, my gas hog is missing this trip!
Oh I wish I had room for cows! Thinking very hard about getting a group of goats. Carol has 3 nice wethers that I may buy and the guy she got them from is local and happens to own one of my Deal X Toss pups from 2004. They're meat goats.
Carol gave me a bigger whistle to try out. She said I should order the Blaster. This is whistles is basically the Blaster, but the 'tab' is on the side and it's brass. I don't like the taste, and I'm struggling with the high ends. I can blow the lows fine. It's becoming very obvious my Montana Lite has "topped off". My dogs can't hear me in the wind beyond 200 yards, especially my low whistles (away) . From what I can tell, I can blow this one the same strength and get a much bigger sound, but I'm not getting any high tones of yet. I'll practice on my way to work. There was no truck last night, so I went home after 4 hours. So I'm going in for 4 hours tonight. (it was my day off)
I'm glad I have tomorrow off, as I feel like I've been running on fumes for awhile now. It's all doable, but I'm beat. Without a doubt I could sleep for several hours right now and wake up drooling on myself! LOL! I had put in for some time off next week and I don't think she gave me much that I asked for. Next week I'm working 6-midnight almost all week, but then back to 6-3 on Sat and Sunday. Sat and Sun is Carol's trial.... I'm calling in on Saturday. I had put in for working until midnight on Weds and then Thursday off for a field trip with our youngest, but my schedule has been Weds and Thurs off, so that's no different.... Like most other trials, I'll only be going to Carol's on Saturday.
I probably need to have Jim looked at. He does this odd head bob, and pretty much always has. I cannot find anything online that explains it. It does not appear to be the symptom of anything usual. It's not something that came on suddenly, and it's not a tremor type thing. More like a 'tick'. When Gwen had her pups, I thought she was done at 2. I waited for 2 hours after #2 and nothing. I fell asleep and when I woke up, she had 3. I do not remember if Jim was #3. It's possible he was #3 and was somehow deprived oxygen just long enough to give him a slight tick. Everything else with him is normal- so it seems. He runs and plays, he's bright, etc... He can move a bit awkward sometimes, but he is also big and leggy, built much different than Ivy, Wren, and Keele. (and his non-littermate 'sister' Clare, who moves like an adult) I want to think that's it's just an odd quirk, but my gut tells me it's not. Even Carol, who is not a worrier said it doesn't look good. I was telling her today I should do some click n treat work with him (he's a food monster) to see what he does when he's focused on something. If he can't stop bobbing I'll know something is way off. It makes me sick to my stomach to think of life without Jim, but if he's not right and it's going to affect his life, I will not subject him to a miserable being. Carol seems to think it will be progressive and end in seizures. It's very odd and I'm very worried. I decided a long time ago Jim could do whatever he wanted and he would never leave here!! I've had a lot of dogs, and own quite a few dogs, and other than losing Jake to a car, I've not had any bad dog luck. At some point my number will be up! I hope it's not up with Jim! My friend Ella seemed to think he did it more last week when she was here than he did the week before... sigh! I don't know who to have look at him. Carol said her Vet is excellent at diagnostics, so I may use her. I don't feel my vet is anything special. After Carol's trial I'll take him in somewhere. The delay is for me. If I take him this week or next and something is wrong, I will certainly not be able to run the dogs I have already paid to run... I love this pup beyond words and I hope the reason I was supposed to love him so much wasn't because his time here was to be short!!
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