Mother's Day around here is not that typical. I am not a diamond necklace, expensive watch, or pamper-me-all day kind of girl. I've always told Ben "just acknowledgement" is all I want. This year, although it's not really a mother's day gift, as it needed to be finished, Ben finally finished the property fence for me. Well, he and 2 friends. Now the entire 3 acres is fenced and the driveway is gated!! No more worries about road and when people drive up I can either let them in, or not. LOL! The double gate and the posts to the left is what went up on Saturday.

This was one of the sides that was previously still open to the road. As you can see we are
right on the corner. Although there is a stop sign on the road that passes the driveway, people are still flying by- some don't even stop...

This is the corner by the stop sign. This fence runs down the front side of the house- our driveway is on the side of the house. I had come halfway up with fence on this side last year. Just beyond the Crape Myrtle trees is where my kennels used to be, so the fence went as far up as the kennels. The kennels ran what would be horizontal in relation to the fence from this view.

Another view from the corner. It's going to be so nice to let the dogs have all 3 acres even when I'm not outside with them! They'll still be kenneled if I'm not home, but other than that they'll be in the "yard".

I moved the kennels over by the garage, as that's where their crates are- and it's a much cooler area. They were out in the open southwest side of the property before, so even with shade tarps, it was hot. The kennels wrap around the garage. Eventually we're going to make permanent covered structures off the garage. Ben's going to space the beams so the kennel panels can attach to them. I don't want to just take them out, as there are times I really do need them. I will always have a climate controlled building for them, and they will always have crates. I believe they need to be put up at night, just like we need to go to bed.

My boys make me homemade cards every year. They make me teary every time!

This card is from my 9 (almost 10) year old, Dylan. I love #3- "you're almost perfect (no one's perfect)"

This one's from my 12 year old, Charlie

I think they're pretty clever kids! I don't keep a lot of things just for the sake of keeping it, but I DO keep all the cards and the like that they make!
So all in all, it was a good weekend. Friday was a light day at work and I was done at 1:30 instead of 3:00. I had things to buy for the wkd. after work, but since I was done early I was actually in bed by 3:00 even after getting groceries. It works out pretty good doing it that way. We went shopping on payday for the big "staples" and every night I think about dinner for the next day and get what I need for it. I used to shop for 2 weeks worth in one trip so I wasn't always going to the store. Now I don't have to do that. The job is going fine. There was only a small truck last night, so after I was done with my usual job I went over to housewares and put up that freight, as they didn't have anyone over there last night. That's an easier dept. because the items are bigger. There might be 2-4 things in one box, but no more than that. I'm used to HBA stuff where one box might have 50 containers of toothpaste of 6 different kinds, that type of thing. We were supposed to get some ugly weather last night, but mostly just got bursts of torrential rain. (it was so loud on the store roof you couldn't hear the wal-mart music) I know they had some serious things in NC and the same system was very ugly in MO, TN, and OK. It's ugly here today- probably only 50 degrees and the wind is blowing a good 30-40mph. I'm going to just play with the dogs for a little while. I don't much feel like
working dogs in this, and the sheep aren't going to want to be out in this wind, and it's hard for the dogs to hear. At the end of the week last week the kids were wearing shorts. Today the heat (that's set at 67) is running!!
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