I was going to go to NC to work dogs today, but the weather is just iffy enough to keep me home. Gas is precious these days, so I don't want to "waste" 150 miles worth of gas only to have it rain... I can work dogs at home, but was looking forward to my visit with Carol. I haven't been to her place now since her trial, and wasn't out to work the week of her trial, so it's been almost a month. :-(
The kids had ball games last night- a make-up game. I was glad to be able to watch them play, but also would have liked to have just been home with them too... We left at 5PM and got home at 9:30. Just in time to let the dogs out of their outdoor kennels and put them up for the night, and then do the same for ourselves... They play Friday night but don't have a Sunday game. That's good because Charlie has a language project due on Monday. He has to write 10 different poems in these different forms. NOT at ALL Charlie's cup-of-tea so I hope it's not too much of a drag to help him get it done. He dislikes language type stuff quite a bit. Hopefully he doesn't have much other homework tonight so we can do some of the project tonight. He has to make a cover page and table and context etc... They're basically making a book of poems. I'll be glad when summer is here!
I've been dealing with an ugly head cold/sinus/allergy thing for about a week and it's starting to finally give, but it's wearing me out some. It's all my right side like usual. I'm pretty sure since I'm not off running with the dogs, that I'll be taking a nap this afternoon. Boy won't that feel good!! :-) The hardest thing about my job is deciding if I'm going to run myself empty to go do what I'd like to do, or let myself get caught up on rest! A lady at work on Weds., when she learned what my hours were said "so you don't have a life then huh". I told her I do, because I don't sleep.... I have 2 choices, and usually choose to do something! I couldn't do it if I worked everyday, but can pull it off working 3 in a row, have 2 off, work 1, and have 1 off. I'm pretty tired on Tuesdays though and DO sleep extra on Wednesdays. In the past I have run off and worked dogs away from home on Weds, but I wouldn't do that anymore. Thursday is my one day for that. I have Saturdays off, but that is my only real day with the kids and most weeks the only day I even see Ben- unless he works, then I don't see him even then!
It's already starting to sprinkle, so I'm glad I decided to not go to NC. Carol was disappointed, but she didn't want me to use all that gas and then not be able to play. Last night the weather was such that it wasn't supposed to rain until later in the day. Now they moved it up and Carol said the radar showed the first line was right over the top of me and heading her way... I got up at 6, let the dogs out then kenneled them up, let the sheep out to eat grass and made pancakes and sausage for "my boys". I wanted to get the sheep out on some grass before I left for NC. I'll let them be for about another hour then put them up, put the dogs up and give them their breakfast then take a nap. I'll work dogs when I get up if it's not raining. If it is, that's okay- I have plenty of house work that should be done... I still have essentially all day tomorrow too. Jordan's been at the new babysitter this week. She'll be here tomorrow though. Honestly it's been a nice break. Nice that if I want to get a little extra rest, at least I can.
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