Like I mentioned yesterday, I had to work last night. Naturally, it just kept getting later and later in the day and I didn't finally lay down for 45 minutes until 8pm. Got up at 9pm and worked till 7 this morning... I helped out in frozen, getting their backstock freezers back in shape. Frozen dept is not really somewhere I would care to work everyday. Of course everything is cold, where you put it is cold, where you get it from is REALLY cold, and the items are hard to handle because they get slippery... I was quite pleased when 7am rolled around. I got home, turned dogs out, and headed to bed. I slept like a rock till noon (not quite 4 hours). Because I don't have to go back tonight I didn't need to sleep all day.
It is south east hot today!!! All 5 inside/outside dogs are in here soaking up a/c. Jim is in here too, as he's healing from his run-in with the atv trailer. (more on that in a minute). Mama and babies were out in the puppy pen in the shade this morning, and are now tucked away in the whelping box in the cool garage. (we moved them out of the kitchen last weekend). There's a pretty good breeze, so I left the rest of the dogs out rather than crating them. The insulated garage stays pretty cool, but I think they'll be happier lounging in the shade in the grass- taking frequent trips to the water tank for a dunk.
I thought I would write a little update on each of the dogs. I wish I had a new photo of each to go along with it, but I don't. I was certain I was going to get to several trials this fall, but now with this new position I don't know what will happen. Right now I have weekends off on the schedule, so I can say "no" if I want when I'm asked to come in. The new schedule isn't weekends off every week. The dept manager I was helping last night also got one of the zone positions and she said we start the 11am-8 shift on the most recent schedule on the board, which would be like August 7th. So I suppose that'll be our training? I don't know. So fall trials are up in the air right now until I figure out what's going on. It always seems like it's something... But I try to remember that someday in the near future the dogs will again become my full time job. I just have to muttle thru the next 7 years or so.... Dylan will graduate in 7 years and Ben can "retire" in as early as 6 years. We still go back and forth on what we're going to do as far as land. We go back and forth on moving to a new home on 50 acres somewhere, or me buying 30-50 acres for just having the cattle and sheep, and staying in the house we're in. We like our house, and we will have a lot invested in it when it's all finished. Right now we're both thinking about just buying land for my farm and staying in this house. Although I don't know if either of us has ever considered the cost difference. I guess it would depend on what kind of land we found.
Maybe I'll take a cute head shot of each of the dogs and write their little updates later this afternoon. Ben wants us all to go play in the pool... Not much else to do on a day like this! I'll take some pictures of the new deck(s) that Ben built during his vacation.
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