I have LOTS to catch up on and LOTS of pictures from the atv trip and my brother's wedding. Maybe tomorrow I can do some of that, since I already had 30 hours at work when I clocked in today (Thursday). We had "company" so they worked us like mules, but we can't keep any of our OT, so I only have 2-3 hours left of my 40 hours for tomorrow. So far no mention of me coming in on the 4th, so I hope it stays that way!! I really want to get to Carol's and have a nice full morning of dog work! I'm even thinking of driving over tomorrow evening so I'm already there at 7am when it's the coolest. Then I'd be home by noon. We'll see. I gotta go for now- need to get to the feedstore before they close...
I have other puppies to take pictures of too! We found 2 beautiful Walker pups on our 2nd to the last day on the trails. We are truly suckers, but what we supposed to do, leave them there? Ben had one and I had the other and they both just laid on our lap on the bumpy, hilly trails on the way home. They slept with Dylan the first night, then Saturday morning Ben & I went into wal-mart and got a crate... They did well in the crate (in the small cabin with a window a/c) while we rode on Saturday, as well as that night. They were also perfect on the 7 hour ride home! From I find on the web they are Treeing Walkers. The female is textbook. The male has more white, but has the tri color face and ears and some big spots. They are LOVELY pups and SMART! The female is cute, cute, cute! Not that the male is ugly, but good golly is the female pretty! So I now also have hound dogs! LOL! Dylan has "claimed" the male (McCoy) and Ben the female (Hatfield, aka Hattie) (we were on the hatfield and mccoy trail). They appear to be 8-10 weeks to me. Old enough that they have their adult coat and can make it thru the night in their crate (together). I'll take some pictures of them this weekend. They are ALL ears! LOL!
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