Saturday, December 27, 2008

Weight Loss

Here's a few awful photos of me yesterday, but they prove the weight loss I've been so shamelessly proud of- nearly 33% total loss since about May. I'm wearing size 4 jeans and my goal is to be in 2's by my Birthday in June. I can already pull my low-riders off without undoing them... :-) Yes, I'm as tired and wore out as I look- but that's what nights do to ya! Hopefully that'll change soon... (more on that later) First picture is little miss Ivy who is so silly when I pick her up. She thinks she's to stand on my head!

The Cruz-man and a couple other goof balls.

My man- the ever-faithful and best posing Border Collie ever. In the past I have taken group photos of the dogs for different things and have to take a million to get a good one- however, Cruz is exactly the same in every picture- posing like a pro! LOL!

So funny that I have two clone puppies. They are both their mothers through and through. Clare has a bit more white than Deal, but her build, temperament, and so far her working style are all Deal- and Ivy is a spitting image of her mother in every way!

I'm not sure Clare is even going to be as "big" as Deal. I guess I grew 'em little. I bet she doesn't weigh more than 25-28 lbs. Same with Ivy, she is small like Cruz and Gwen, but maybe weighs more than Clare. Cruz is only a little over 18" and neither Gwen or Ivy are as tall as he is.

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