Tuesday, April 15, 2008


Well, the job is going pretty good. Some days it really stinks to be heading out the door when there's still so many nice hours of daylight left, but I guess that's the case with any j-o-b. As far as being there, it's fine. The people are fine and the job is a snap and there's always plenty of it to do. So for the most part the 9 hours goes by pretty good. This morning I bought $200 worth of groceries before coming home, so by the time I had the cold and frozen stuff put away and lunches packed, it was 5 minutes to 5am. I woke up briefly at 6:55 because I forgot to sign a form for our oldest. I slept until 9:40 when Jordan got here. Jordan has to get up at about 3AM (it's a long story), so she was tired too. I turned the tv on and we both laid on the sofa. In about 5 minutes she was snoring. So I slept till about 11am. This is how I sleep now... Not the greatest, but there's really no other way.
I have promised my dogs some work today. I worked several of them on Sunday in the barn area doing gates sorting and stall work, etc. Today I'll take them out in the field and do a few outruns and drive work. I have tomorrow off. Our youngest has an afternoon eye appt. so we're going to head out to NC right away in the morning with Cruz and Gwen, and maybe Deal and then go to the eye place from there. I don't have Jordan tomorrow, so it's really my only day. She's too little yet to be trusted out of sight, so it's pretty hard to take her along.
I am trying to make a decision on selling Kit. She is a very nice dog, and if I was doing agility she'd never leave! However, her style (which is just like Toss', her sire) of stock work is not really my cup of tea, so to speak. She's very fast and tight, is fairly free, and will "bore" right thru the stock in a drive. A lot of handlers like this type of dog, but I don't really. They like them because they push on in a drive, and because they can 'place' them anywhere and not have the dogs' sense of balance to 'battle' with. She is not loose eyed by any means, but she doesn't have a lot. Toss is now very nicely off his stock, but started just like Kit. Also they are both slow as ever to mature. My personal style are dogs with a good amount of eye and balance and feel the bubble. I prefer a quite natural dog. I would have probably not kept Toss as a stockdog if he hadn't been so incredibly attached to me, and only me. I knew he would not adjust. This is not the case with Kit. I believe she would adjust. I have a woman who wants to buy her and could be here in a few weeks to get her. I'm also bringing Sly on for her. She will probably take him when he's 8-12 months old, depending on how quickly he comes along. I have not made a 100% decision. I may have to sell her with a 30 day trial, so I know she's adjusted and her new life suits her.... She was 2 years old April 2, so I'm quite bonded with her. She'd be fine here doing a little training here and there and being one of the pack, but if she could go to the right home and get more work, then maybe that's better.
I'm excited about the cattle trial and since I can only go on Sat. I may run Deal too. Ella is going to drive me, since I work until 3am. If we take her van, we'd have room to bring Wren and one of my hooligans. Jim's the one that could use the getting out, as he's like Cruz as a pup in the sense that he's a little insecure about new people for a bit. But I'd like to bring Clare, as I know she'd love to sit and watch the cows. I hope the field is such that Ella can make a video of our runs. I'm nervous since I've never run in (or even seen!) a cattle trial!
I have a few pictures of Wren and Loki on the sheep from Saturday. I'll get them on here when I can. Maybe Thursday.
Off to work some dogs!

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