Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Rain and Cooool Evening

Gettin' dark and the thunder was just starting to roll. (note the pool deck progress)

Rain was comin' down in the tree line- time to put dogs up and head inside.
We had quite the series of storms this afternoon. It was so wonderful to watch the rain come in and just pour for about 2 hours! It was lovely- I enjoy storms! It was pretty wicked for awhile, but no damage here at home. We actually have standing water- which hasn't happened since I don't know when! I played with the dogs for about an hour before the weather got here. It's so nice and cool now this evening- like low 70's. I opened several of the windows. The sheep are out eating grass, and I'm sure they'll have a very enjoyable evening eating in the cool and the damp. I'm going to get up nice and early and work dogs before the 90 degrees is back. I'll sleep for a few hours in the afternoon before work. I could work dogs this evening, but I just don't have it in me. I worked several of them again yesterday. Jack's planned session of walking up at a pen/chute turned into a sending session.

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