Gwen spending a little play time with her babies. They've been off her for a week now. It was a nice afternoon, so we took advantage and got outside until dark. The pups played and explored in the yard with nearly all the adult dogs today. They had a blast and they are such a lively, intelligent, bold bunch! They were very brave, yet appropriate with the adult dogs and there was no where in the yard they were concerned about going. I kept waiting for them to wear out and start to huddle together, but it never happened! LOL! After nearly two hours I put them in their sunny, straw filled outdoor kennel while I got my other chores done. Chores today included getting ready for- get this- as much as 9" of SNOW!! What??? It was 62 today! Snow is to come Friday evening, but it is going to drop like a boulder in temperature tonight. I am scheduled to work on Saturday, but being that I am here alone, I am not going to push the venture. VDOT does not have the equipment to get roads anywhere near us plowed, and I do not want to have to sit in my truck waiting for Wayne to come with his roll-back because I'm in the ditch somewhere between here and Franklin. The roads won't be plowed, and every road until I'm 5 miles from work is narrow (as in one truck and one car wide- not two trucks) with 3' ditches and of course it's also pretty much a snake drive. So look forward to some WHITE pictures in the next few days! There is a good chance we will get the most snow we've had since 1989!

Run, Henry, Run!

Lap Two

Henry still has his C "brand".


Petite Rose

Ms Grace



Henry- who's definitely smiling!

John, who's greatly enjoying the run in the sun!

Nora, being goofy!

If that look doesn't say trouble, I don't know what does!

Clare and Grace


Brothers, Jim and John.

I really like this shot. It captures Jim real personality.

"Hi Mama!" (Gwen and John)




Clare and Nora
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