I figured out today that Ivy's skating away really isn't all "oh it's too much". Because I used a line today (which I resorted to half way thru last time) I realized she is doing the same over-the-top bubble crap her mama did. She isn't skating off to get away, she's flanking big and not wanting to walk into the sheep when they are either a) stopped in a neutral place or b) walking nicely with me, regardless of how far away we get from her. I know I'm right because if I walk into the sheep and push them back towards Ivy she will not let them get past her, and if for some reason one slips by, she does a look back, covers the single, brings it back to the others just as pretty as can be, but then plops down and I cannot get her up. I need a bit longer line so I can be in front of the sheep and have a hold of the line so when I ask her up I can give her a tug. I did have her basically driving using this method, thinking maybe if she simply learns what "walk up" is, I'll be able to get her up. Like I said earlier this morning, this is the age Gwen really gave in to her desire to just cover and hold. She had more training so it was not as obvious. Where it showed with her was about 75 yards out on the drive. If the sheep stopped, so did she.... So I need to really think about this as well as talk it over with some trusted people. It's just a thing, and I know she'll work thru it, I just don't want to do the wrong thing with her.
Clare was wonderful this morning. In thinking about it, she's a lot like Deal. Deal is a very lovely dog. She is very confident and very stable. She enjoys loves, but she is not a "big" personality. She is not a "stand out" off sheep. On sheep she is drop dead serious, typically spot on, and a bit of a determined type to work, she is very, very intense. She lives and breathes to work. As a pup I remember being so blown away by her. I thought about it today and realized I would have probably been just as blown away by Clare that many years ago! Clare is also very serious and has that same quiet but deadly way about her (picture a seasoned big cat hunting). Clare has Deal's natural cast, she is going to be a breeze to get a huge outrun on. She has Deal's good steady pace and lovely feel for her sheep. I've mis-judged Clare I believe. I need to give her more work and not worry that she doesn't ring my bells off sheep. I kept her back for a specific reason and I'm realizing I was probably not wrong in making that call.
So anyway, I suppose lunch break is over. I want to set my free-standing chute up again. Toss is being a complete moron with Clare being in, so I think I'm passing on working him today. He is most certainly a 17 year old boy when it comes to girls who are inviting!! Lordy!
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