Sunday, September 6, 2009

Just For Fun

Charlie, 13.
Dylan, 11.
My brother's son this summer.
My sister-in-law's daughter this summer.
My Mom, brother, sister in law, and Dad.
My brother and family.

My cousin's Granddaughter. I'd say she's about an 11 on the 1-10 cute scale!!

My cousin's Grandson. Gotta love those toe-head curls!
Me and my bro.
Me, my brother, and sister in law at their wedding this summer.
Me and JT.
What a Lab should be! Ms. Maddie-McPaddie.

What is a hound dog to do? Oh, maybe just pose for the camera.
Or lay in the grass and chew.
Or maybe lay in the grass, and just... well, lay in the grass!
McCoy and Hattie. Found on the Hatfield and McCoy trails in WV this summer.
Toss, Kit, Mary, and Clare.
A rare moment of stillness!
McCoy, Kit, and Clare.
RedDog (Edge) looking good at 7 years old.
Maddie, Edge, and Toss.
Clare again.
I guess she was just in the right place at the right time a few times!
Most of the gang.

A moment in the shade while Dylan gets the toy he threw over the fence.

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