....then I have 2 days off. Last week my 2 days were at opposite ends of the week, so it'll be nice to have them back to back again this week. Tomorrow I have to take Charlie in to get his braces adjusted. While we're out I need to stop and get Dylan some more reptile lights. His Tegu passed away about 2 months ago, but he still has a bearded dragon, 2 ball pythons, and an iguana. (along with his guinea pig and dogs). I'd like to go somewhere to get to some new pants for work. I'm tired of wearing the same 2 pair of tan Levi's. There's a good size Goodwill in Suffolk, so we may come home via that route.
It was a good weekend at work because the new management structure finally seems to be coming together. I enjoy the merchandising, and I'm happy when I can spend most of my day doing that. I spent a little time working live freight in HBA, but mostly it was just keeping the 6 people that don't normally work there on task. Saturday I spent most of the day merchandising in grocery, and Sunday in HBA. I got lots of merchandise out of the backroom and onto the salesfloor for HBA yesterday by setting 4 new features. The merchandise from the low features I killed went mostly to the side counter (rather than the backroom). Great. HBA is in a world of hurt right now between too many outs and WAY too much freight in the backroom. Lots of the freight in the back is what we call "non-basic", meaning it's old features (or new) or deleted items. Unfortunately these items did not get "cut in" to the side counter so they are just sitting in the back and will never go to the floor via the system because they are not in a modular. This is a big part of my job. I have to figure out how to get these non-basic items either featured, or somehow cut in to the side counter. Sounds easy enough, and if the past dept. managers had been able keep up with this, it would be. (would be easy for 1 dept- but I have 10!) When good dept. managers (or those that are not over tasked) set new modulars, they make sure the deleted items from the old modular still have at least one facing in the new modular until it sells. Good dept. managers get their features out, rather than just letting them pile up in the back, and when they kill them, they work them into the side counter with a shelf cap so the remaining merchandise from that feature will continue to come to the floor until it's gone. But what happens so often is there isn't enough time for them to spend that much time merchadising, they have too many other dept manager duties. This is a big part of the new structure. Dept. managers no longer need to worry too much about their features and non basic items. That's my job. I may still have to do delegate to them to get it done, but I have done the leg work to find it in the backroom, have found it a new feature home on the floor, and if needed pulled down from the steel. (not many dept. managers have their lift operator license)
Not much else happenin'. Charlie's appt. is at 1:15 tomorrow, so we're going to leave early enough that we can do the errands before his appointment. I can work dogs in the afternoon, and work them again on Weds. I'm looking forward to the trial on Sunday. It sounds like a nice, low key trial. I have never been to this field, so that's exciting. :-) Clare is on day 15, so hopefully she'll be out soon. Now that the kids have gone back to school the dog routine is I turn them out loose at 6am, then put them in their 10x10's for the day when I leave at 7:30. When the kids get home at 4pm they let them back out. I don't feel comfortable having them out in the stock fence all day with no one here. I also don't think they need all that opportunity to get into shit. And they do. Not all of them, but the young dogs- or just the "bad" dogs that seem to love to find stuff to wreck. (not normally a BC thing, this is more the pet dogs' mo). This morning however I kenneled the male dogs along with Clare. I'm over watching them being stupid around her kennel. I even put an xpen around the one side of her kennel that they can get to. That worked fine, (made it so they couldn't get to the kennel) but I hate smelling all that male piss and I get tired of looking out the window to see Cruz and Edge both laying by the kennel giving each other the evil eye. So Clare, Cruz, Edge, and Toss all went right into their 10x10's this morning. Not much I can do about that.... By the weekend it should all be over. Although I suppose it will be someone else's turn... Ugh! The joys. LOL!
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