Monday, May 19, 2008

Too Different?

A couple/few years ago a woman bought a pup from me. He was around 6-9 months when she bought him, and she bought him for agility. I had posted him as being a wonderful agility prospect, and maybe herding as well. At 6 months I really didn't care for his attitude on sheep or ducks and there was just something about his overall personality I didn't click with. This is not to say he was a bad pup, just not one I clicked with. This lady worked very hard with him and now thinks the world of him. She is very different from me in a lot of ways. We came to blows this past year and ended our friendship in an ugly manner. I could no longer handle her putting me down for having multiple dogs and implying that there was no way I could properly care for and attend to the number of dogs I have. That I thought of them as an "object" more than a living being, etc... I completely lost it one afternoon and sent her an email that was very ugly and ended our communication. Some time later I advertised MaryJane on a stockdog list and got an inquiry from a woman, that turned out to be her, using a fake name and email! Yet for some reason, a couple months ago I felt the need to write to her and ask if we could start over and accept our differences, because we also have many things in common. That it was what we did. It was okay for awhile, but now it's drifted right back to the road we were on a year ago. I guess at some point people are truly just too different to be friends. She is very belittling to me for having multiple dogs, saying she connects with her dogs on a level I could not possibly love and care for 10 dogs like she does 2. I beg to differ and take that type of comment very, very personal. Anyone who *really* knows me, knows that it is the biggest line of BS ever!! Not all of us are cut out to be multiple dog owners. I don't put her down for only being able to handle 2, what gives her the right to put me down for owning more? She puts me down for being "conventional", meaning I choose to use flea/heartworm/dewomers ("poison") to keep my dogs healthy and that if my dog needs medical attention I choose a Vet rather than a homeopath. I think I have to call it quits trying to be this woman's friend.

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